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Holiday Hiatus - See you in the New Year! (+ blog birthday)

It's that time of year again! Preludes' blog of words will be 3 years old on the 14th of December, and we also barrell.

How Does Being Drunk Work?

If you drink alcohol, you'll likely get drunk. It's pretty simple. But what's not so clear is why this happens. What actually.

Why Do Asians and Caucasians Have Different Eye Shapes?

It's widely believed that all humans originated from Africa, which makes the modern physical variations between different.

A Trip to London's Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum is on many a person's bucket-list to visit. Now THIS is what I call.

What Exactly is a Bruise and Why Does it change so Many Colours?

This week's post is brought to you by the fab little wisdom of The New Scientist's: 'Does Anything Eat wasps and 101 Other.

Professor Brian Cox Live and the Infinite Monkey Cage

It will comes as no surprise to my regular readers that I'm a Prof. Brian Cox fan (Or 'Professor Lovely' as a delightfully.

The Amazing Gut Parkas of the Arctic

.When you live in the arctic, you know not to let anything go to waste. The curious gut skin parka.

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