There's little doubt that some of the first things that comes to mind are the armies marching in perfect organisation in knee-high sandals and polished helmets; the toga-wearing old men gathered and gossiping in the senate; cheering crowds of the collesium gathered around the surviving gladiator (who may or may not be Russel Crowe). The mad emperor that made his horse council (who, indeed, may or may not be John Simm); 'weleasing Woderwick'; the marvels in engineering; the network of roads; the arrogant gods and the far stretching, mighty Roman empire that threaded like arteries through Europe, with Rome at its heart.
Roman history, whether silly, sensational or serious, is a huge part of our own culture. But it wasn't always the force of nature that it became to be. In 1000BC, Rome was nothing more than a smattering of individual settlements of thatched huts that populated what would become the seven 'hills' of Rome.Even in the early days, the settlements of Rome had the resources that they needed for potential greatness. The seven 'hills' - Paletine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Virminal, Esquiline, Caelian and Aventine -made the area easily defensible. The river Tiber that wound it's way through the complex gave easy access to the sea, and the whole area bore fertile volcanic soil.
As the Roman empire grew and they looked back on their own history, as is always the case, myth and legend soon wove around the facts of the origins of the Roman people until it near smothered it. Nowadays it is very difficult to pick apart the history from the legend, but the stories of the foundation of the Roman empire are certainly worth telling in their own right.There are two stories that lasted through the ages...
The Romans and the Trojan War.
The Romans were notorious for

Just as the Romans fed off the status of the Greeks, so too did other cultures feed off the fame and power of the Roman empire. For example, in 1200AD Geoffrey of Monmouth tried to bolster Britain's status by also claiming the the first British king was a descendant of Aeneas. If it could work for the Romans, why not for Britain too?
The Tale of Romulus and Remus.
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No. I said Rom-u-LUS |
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Give or take the detail of the she-wolf. |
When they won, they founded a whole new city near Alba. Sibling rivalry took hold and Remus mocked the size of Romulus' walls. The furious Romulus killed Remus and took sole control, which is why the city was named Roma.
Roma (from the Greek Rhome) means 'strength; and 'might'. Romulus too means 'little Roman', and Remus is simply a grammatical variation of the word as 'e's and 'o's are often associated (like 'foot' and 'feet'). Clearly the name Roma was chosen first, and the names of the two heros picked to match.
There is also some linguistic uncertainty around the word Lupa as in the 'she-wolf' that suckled the twins. The festival that the Romans used to celebrate the twins was called the Lupercal, so it was throught that the addition of the she-wolf was only inserted to associate with the festival that already existed. Even more troubling, some Romans doubted that Rhea had been impregnated by Mars at all, however impressive this link with the God of War was for the Roman people. Lupa in Latin also means 'prostitute', so some Romans posited that the twins had a baser origin.
So How Did the Roman Empire Really Begin?
However shaky either legend might be to modern eyes, there is a germ of truth within them that is supported by historical evidence. In the Romulus and Remus story, Romulus was said to have found the site of Rome completely deserted. Therefore he turned the site into an asylum and welcomed in runaway slaves, exiles, paupers, debtors or anyone else who needed a place to escape to.

Archaeological digs in the area have uncovered votive offerings near the Capitol that were dated to a time before the area was ever settled. This is tentative but significant evidence that Rome may well have served as an asylum area before it came into power and so this was absorbed into the Romulus myth.
While in the end, it will always be difficult to pick apart the fact from the legends about the beginning of Rome, it is clear that it was a unique place and that, even early on, the seed of greatness had already been sown.
A special thanks to the great book Veni Vidi Vici - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Romans But Were Afraid to Ask by Peter Jones, which informed by article this week.
Other Sources
Discussion on the influence for Roman Gods
Adopted Roman Gods