Ethanol the Infiltrator

So what does ethanol do to make us 'drunk'?
Genrally when you drink some 80% will head into your small intestine, but 20% or so can be absorbed through your stomach walls and straight into your bloodstream. if you have a full stomach this tends to slow down the absorption. Once ethanol is in your bloodstream it gets to work mainly as an inhibitor, flooding up into your brain and interfering with neurotransmitters. When it hits the central nervous system the symptoms of drunkenness like loss of control or vomiting start to take effect.
If ethanol reaches your limbic system you'll notice that your emotions are effected. This is generally why it's ill advised to drink when you're in a bad mood, as the limbic system typically controls your emotions. With this out of the picture, you'll usually find that your emotions are exaggerated, with intense highs and lows. This, matched up with the blocking of most of your inhibitions, is usually why people tend to get into fights while drunk.
As you drink more and more, more and more of your brain if effected. if it gets deep enough, into the medulla, then you're going to have serious issues. The medulla is the part of your brain that coordinates the things that you do 'without thinking'. If things slow down here you get sleepy and will, eventually, pass out. And quite possibly pee yourself.
Ok then: explain "breaking the seal"
Well one explanation is rather obvious: you're drinking loads of the stuff in one short sitting. For example I like cider and I'll usually grab a few pints on a night out (because they sell them in pints. And I like looking 'manly' with a big pint glass. Why yes I am an idiot.). Now think of the size of a pint glass. Having trouble contextualising it? Try imagining it as pints of milk instead. Yeah, it seems like quite a lot. kind of gross actually. No wonder our bladder is howling.
Another reason for the dodgy bladder control is down to ethanol affecting your pituitary gland. Here it slows down or stops the production of ADH - the Anti-diuretic hormone. This hormone tells your kidneys to conserve water and without it the liquid basically passes right through you. This is also the reason why, despite drinking pints of boozy liquid, you can end up badly dehydrated. So keep drinking normal water along with your alcohol to try and offset this.
And hangovers?
Hangovers are fairly easy to understand if you acknowledge that it's your body's response to you quite literally poisoning yourself. No wonder you feel like crap, you know? But the body is a resilient beast and while it'll be putting you through the ringer as it does, its hangover is a way of curing itself.
For example headaches are generally due to the aforementioned dehydration as your body tries to restore fluid levels. It narrows your blood vessels which restricts the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. The brain overcompensates in response, dilating its blood vessels and swelling, and the pain receptors in the brain lining start to inform you of the process...painfully. The older you are, the less water you have in your system to begin with, which can make things worse as the alcohol isn't diluted easily.

Finally there is evidence that the immune system also produces high levels ot cytokines in their attempt to clean you up from 'infection'. If these levels are abnormally high sometimes it can even affect memory, which is one possible cause why some people can't remember the night before if the drinking was heavy enough.
While it offers a fascinating window into how your body works the hangover is clearly not pleasant, and has been scientifically proven to get worse as we get older, with age 29 being recognised as the time when things get really tough after a night on the tiles.
Now, of course, the disclaimer.
Look: alcohol is a drug that has been deliberately manufactured and cultivated by humans over thousands of years because it makes us feel good. Really we're no different to those lemurs who bite down on millipedes to get high as a kite, and it's natural. But, as you can see above, it can seriously screw with your body and mind and lead to short term and long term health problems. If in doubt, ask Frank - they're a really great resource that doesn't patronise you. My advice? Know your limits, keep your friends around you, always zip a £20 into a separate bit of your bag so you can afford a taxi home, and drink plenty of water - ideally one soft drink between each alcoholic drink. Keep safe out there guys.
- Drinking & you
- 8 reasons hangovers really do get worse with age - the Telegraph
- The molecular circus: Your body and how alcohol gets your drunk
- why do we get drunk? (how it works magazine)
-Why do we get hangovers? IFL science
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I’m Fred from the United States, i was been transformed to a Vampire through the help of a vampire spell member who lives in Florida, it was just as Easy as possible, at first i was thinking it going to take a while for my ( D.N.A.) to respond to the spell, all i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to my dear friend Mr. Enrique who directed me to Vampire Lord
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